The popular Honshu line offers sleek, modern elegance with a serious bite! Each of our powerful, Honshu blades is razor sharp and features unrivaled rock-solid steel construction, giving you the tactical advantage in the real world. Honshu gives you both the best of quality and affordability! There is no better fusion of traditional ideals with modern innovation than Honshu!
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- How long has Honshu been around?
In 2007, the Honshu line was born, offering sleek, modern elegance with a serious bite! There’s no better fusion of traditional ideals with modern innovation. - What kind of products from Honshu do you have?
Some of the best Honshu items that we keep in our inventory include katanas, broadswords, throwing stars, push daggers, karambits. If you’re feeling lucky, and like a surprise check out our mystery box. - Is Honshu a good brand?
Here at BUDK we strive to carry quality products at an affordable price. The Honshu line up not only has a great selection of weapons, the brand is also backed by one of the most trusted manufactures today.